
Showing posts from October, 2017

6 Tips for Cavity-Free Holidays - continued

#5: Watch out for starchy foods  These are sneaky because they often get trapped in your teeth. If you choose to indulge in chips and cakes, take extra care when you floss that day to remove all the food particles that can lead to plaque build-up.  #6: You can still have fun  So, what can you eat? Lots of stuff! Make lean protein choices, such as lean beef, skinless poultry and fish and vary your diet. Eat whole grains and choose low-fat or fat-free dairy foods. The holidays are a great time of year to start thinking about healthier habits. If you do snack, make it a nutritious choice-such as cheese, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables-for your overall health and the health of your teeth. To read the entire article visit . Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD 280-5201 43 St. Red Deer, AB T4N 1C7 (855) 636-9223

3-D Dental Imaging Technology

Three-Dimensional Dentistry We are proud to be one of the practices in our area to use 3-D cone beam CT digital imaging technology. Think of this as a three-dimensional X-ray that produces a highly detailed image of your dental structures. This is helpful when Dr. Aitken is diagnosing patients and evaluating treatment options. He can clearly see each patient’s anatomy in 3-D, instead of a flat, two-dimensional image. This is beneficial for dental implant procedures and more! Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB     T4N 1C7     (855) 636-9223

Diabetes and Your Dental Health # 1

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. This month we are featuring information found on that discuss how diabetes can affect  your dental health. Below are two ways that diabetes can affect your oral health. Gum Disease  Notice some bleeding when you brush or floss? That may be an early sign of gum disease . If it becomes more severe, the bone that supports your teeth can break down, leading to tooth loss. Early gum disease can be reversed with proper brushing , flossing and diet . Research has shown gum disease can worsen if your blood sugar is not under control, so do your best to keep it in check. Dry Mouth   Studies have found people with diabetes have less saliva, so you might find yourself feeling parched or extra thirsty. (Medications and higher blood sugar levels are also causes.) Fight dry mouth by drinking water. You can also chew sugarless gum and eat healthy, crunchy foods to get saliva flowing. This is especially im...

Power Toothbrushes

Learn what the American Dental Association has to say about power toothbrushes. The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel. Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB     T4N 1C7     (855) 636-9223

6 Tips for Cavity-Free Holidays - continued

#3: Limit your alcohol intake  ’Tis the season for egg nog, Brandy Alexanders and glog! If you choose to imbibe, try to drink water alongside your drinks. And remember: Too much alcohol can dry out your mouth.  #4: Take it easy on the hard candies  Some candies are more problematic than others. Hard candies can put your teeth at risk because in addition to being full of sugar, they’ve also been known to cause broken or chipped teeth. (Be careful not to break or chip your teeth when eating nuts as well!)  To read the entire article visit . Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD 280-5201 43 St. Red Deer, AB T4N 1C7 (855) 636-9223

Dental Implants

Faster Healing – Naturally Dr. Aitken is excited to offer his implant patients a new option called L-PRF™ (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) that promotes faster healing when implants are placed. This is a process that is 100% natural, using only a small blood sample directly from you. There are no additives of any kind, only a special process that creates a clot that, when applied to the implant site, immediately promotes the natural healing process. It uses your own power to heal, just like when you scrape a knee. The special IntraSpin™ System is a centrifuge that separates important elements of your own blood - with NO chemical alteration and nothing added – and forms them into the special clots. When applied to the implant site, their healing ability significantly reduces your recovery time and helps you achieve your beautiful new smile faster! Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB   ...

Risks to Oral Health During Pregnancy

Learn what the American Dental Association has to about risks to your oral health during pregnancy. The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel. Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB     T4N 1C7     (855) 636-9223

6 Tips for Cavity-Free Holidays

#1: Timing matters  Timing matters. While everything is fine in moderation, it helps to eat sweets and other sugary foods with meals or shortly after mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals and helps cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and helps rinse away food particles.   #2: Be picky if it's sticky When it comes to picking healthy snacks, many people put dried fruit at the top of the list. But many dried fruits are sticky and sticky foods tend to stay on the teeth longer than other types of food. If you find yourself eating a lot of dried fruits such as cranberries, make sure to rinse with water and brush carefully.  To read the entire article visit . Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD 280-5201 43 St. Red Deer, AB T4N 1C7 (855) 636-9223

The Benefits of TMJ/TMD Dental Treatment

TMJ/TMD – Proper Bite Alignment Treatment Reduces Strain and Pain Improper bite alignment can cause you pain, and not just in your mouth. Dental malocclusion (i.e. bad bite) is sometimes the cause of frequent headaches, aching or popping jaws, and even shoulder and neck pain. If your teeth have worn down over the years or been lost due to accident or dental disease, your jaw won’t be able to relax.  This additional tension in the muscles of your jaw can lead to a variety of body pains. Pain you may have grown accustomed to and even attributed to other sources. By restoring your dental occlusion, your jaw can settle into the position that nature intended. Don’t live with the pain a moment longer! We invite you to discover the benefits that treatment may bring to your quality of life. Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB     T4N 1C7     (855) 636-9223   ...

Manual Tooth Brushing and Flossing Technique

An effective oral hygiene routine starts with a few simple steps: A Proper Brushing Technique for your Teeth  A proper brushing technique is the first step to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Plus, it helps minimize the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, the major causes of tooth loss. Before You Begin  While there are several tooth brushing techniques with a manual toothbrush, always ask your dental professional for their recommendation and be sure to follow their instructions. To start, use fluoride toothpaste with a soft-bristle toothbrush, and don't forget to replace it every three months. Two Minutes, Twice a Day  To brush your teeth correctly, spend at least two minutes using a recommended brushing technique, which includes 30 seconds brushing each section of your mouth (upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left), both morning and night. Since most manual toothbrushes don't have built-in two-minute timers, you may want to have a clock handy so y...

How to Brush with an Electric Toothbrush - Dental Care

You can achieve better plaque removal and gingivitis reduction with an electric toothbrush that utilizes oscillating-rotating technology than with a regular manual toothbrush. This brushing action is very different from ordinary manual toothbrushes, as it does the job of brushing for you. Be sure to guide the brush head to all parts of your mouth. Rotating Electric Toothbrush Instructions Hold the brush parallel to the floor, against the side of your teeth. Guide the brush head slowly from tooth to tooth, following the curve of the teeth and gums. It isn't necessary to press hard or scrub. Simply let the electric toothbrush do all the work. Hold the brush head in place for a few seconds before moving on to the next tooth. Please read the entire article, found at , to see more detailed information on how to use an electric toothbrush. Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD 280-5201 43 St. Red Deer, AB T4N 1C7 (855) 636-9223  ...

Halloween Candy: Your Dental Health Survival Guide

Below is an excerpt from an article found on With Halloween comes ghosts, goblins and goodies-and the sugar in those treats can play  some unwanted tricks on your teeth if you’re not careful.  Here’s why: The bacteria in your mouth are probably more excited to eat Halloween candy than you are. When the bacteria eat the sugar and leftover food in your mouth, a weak acid is produced. That acid is what can contribute to cavities.  But don’t hang up your costume just yet. “Halloween is about candy, dressing up and having fun,” says ADA dentist Dr. Ana Paula Ferraz-Dougherty. “It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween as a splurge as long as you’re brushing twice a day and flossing once a day all year long.” To help you sort through the trick-or-treat bag loot, we have a rundown of some common candies and their impact on your teeth: Chocolate Chocolate is probably your best bet, which is good because it’s also one of the most popular kinds of candy hand...

What are Cavities?

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about what cavities are. The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel. Vista Dental Care      Chad Aitken, DMD      280-5201 43 St.     Red Deer, AB     T4N 1C7     (855) 636-9223

12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Below is an excerpt from an article found on Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges. “It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween but it’s important to have a plan,” says ADA dentist Dr. Ana Paula Ferraz-Dougherty.  Here's how you can help your family stay MouthHealthy on Halloween and year-round. Time It Right Eat Halloween candy (and other sugary foods) with meals or shortly after mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals. This helps cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and rinse away food particles. Stay Away from Sweet Snacks Snacking can increase your risk of cavities, and it’s double the trouble if you keep grabbing sugary treats from the candy bowl. “Snacking on candy throughout the day is not ideal for your dental health or diet,” Dr. F...