Dental Implants

Faster Healing – Naturally

Dr. Aitken is excited to offer his implant patients a new option called L-PRF™ (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) that promotes faster healing when implants are placed. This is a process that is 100% natural, using only a small blood sample directly from you. There are no additives of any kind, only a special process that creates a clot that, when applied to the implant site, immediately promotes the natural healing process. It uses your own power to heal, just like when you scrape a knee. The special IntraSpin™ System is a centrifuge that separates important elements of your own blood - with NO chemical alteration and nothing added – and forms them into the special clots. When applied to the implant site, their healing ability significantly reduces your recovery time and helps you achieve your beautiful new smile faster!

Vista Dental Care   
Chad Aitken, DMD   
280-5201 43 St.   
Red Deer, AB   
T4N 1C7   
(855) 636-9223


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